Product Features / Email Marketing

BIRCH makes it easy to create and send emails!

By sending regular emails with BIRCH, you can cultivate relationships with your

readership, see a surge in engagement rates, and increase sales.

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime • Powered by BIRCH

Why Should I Use Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers and build relationships that will turn them into lifelong fans. BIRCH Email Marketing is one of the best ways to quickly grow your business online, so don't miss out!

I'll Show You How It Works...

End Your Contract With a Third-Party Service

No need to pay for external email service - BIRCH has got you covered with our robust in-house SMTP! Plus, our Follow-Up Funnel system ensures that your whole email process is handled, from creation to delivery straight into your audience's inbox!

Our premium support will ensure your success

BIRCH wants to help your emails get where they need to go- straight into your customer's inboxes! They offer support and resources so you can learn how deliverability works.

Send emails in minutes with our easy-to-use email builder

Creating and sending emails doesn't have to be complicated! With our user-friendly editor, you can create, schedule, and send emails in under 10 minutes!

Creating email templates from scratch can be tedious, so we've provided some premade options to make your life easier! All you need to do is enter your desired message into the template and hit send.

Send the right message at the best time.

  • Send emails now: Keep your subscribers up-to-date on the latest promotions, offers, and news by quickly sending out email Broadcasts LIVE.

  • ​Send emails later: You can create automated sequences that will gradually guide your audience through each stage of the buyer’s journey.

  • Send your contacts exactly what they want: You can segment your lists according to their past actions, buying behaviors, preferences and contact information to ensure that you're making the most amount of money possible!

Get started with

BIRCH for free today!

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime • Powered by BIRCH

Our Loyal Customers' Opinions of BIRCH

"We built our website in a week using BIRCH and received 22 sales at $20,000 each. Before BIRCH, my world was entirely different; I hope yours will change too.

— Shamus Wheeler, Verified BIRCH User

BIRCH Gives You Everything You Need To Market, Sell And Deliver Your Products Online…

In addition, we have funnels that will bring customers to you!

Convert your online visitors into actual paying customers

Create your web presence

exactly the way you want

Turn your knowledge, passion or experience into revenue

Manage your students or leads and turn them into fans

Reach and engage with your audience where they are

Run A/B tests on your website, funnels or email campaigns

Create a blog that positions you an expert in your industry

Get all the data you need to

grow your business

Easy and powerful drag and

drop page editing experience

Create powerful workflows to automate your marketing


Join 100,000+ creators and entrepreneurs who are actively using Birch Media Marketing to easily get their products and their message out to the world!

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime • Powered by BIRCH

Matt Plapp

The ROI Engine

"This helped my agency get away from $2000-3000 in expenses, but I also have a lot of agencies that I trained that don't have the need for the softwares. When I got them into the software, they were able to build in the efficiencies into one place right out the gate."

Debbie DuBois

Compass Marketing Creative

"I felt completely supported as soon as I join the platform...Birch cares about my business and has taken my business to the next level. Technology is continuing to shift and change while getting better and better. They are providing new services and things that I love."

Christine Seale

President & CEO of NerdLevel

"It's been a complete game-changer for me. We've built our whole business around this software. We'll never go back."


Do updates cost anything?

BIRCH is on the cloud, so any updates or new features we add will automatically appear in your account--and you'll get all of this for free!

Is my website secure?

We built BIRCH with security as our primary focus so you can rest assured knowing your funnels, subscribers, and members area are well-protected. With us, there's no need to anxiety about plugins that could be hacked - we keep everything updated for you.

What is the duration of your contracts?

BIRCH offers a flexible payment plan- you can use BIRCH month to month and cancel at any time with no long-term contracts or commitments!

Can I speak to somebody if I have questions?

Yes, we have a support team who can answer your questions 24/7! Just click on the "support" link at the bottom of any of our pages or go to BIRCH

If I deactivate my account, will all of my data be lost?

Your data won't be accessible after you cancel your account, but don't worry- you'll have the opportunity to download CSV files of your contacts and members before taking that step.

Can I integrate my favorite autoresponders / shopping carts?

We recommend that people use BIRCH to run their company, though we understand that some of our customers have favorite tools they used in the past. Therefore, we integrate with most top service providers to make building a funnel even more enjoyable!

Will I need to download anything?

BIRCH was created for people who want to build a website without having an entire IT department! You can log in and start clicking to create all the pages you need for your funnel from our member's area!

Can you handle the workload?

Yes! With BIRCH being hosted on the world's biggest public cloud providers (AWS and GCP) we can auto scale in real time to meet any demand. So, whether you're sending 100 visitors or 10s of millions today, we won't break a sweat!

To put it simply, who will have access to the data / content / subscribers?Can I host the pages myself?

All content on your website (including user-generated content) is completely owned by you. BIRCH does not have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason - it's simply a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR own unique content!

Can I host wordpress the pages myself?

Yes, we're a hosted software-as-a-service platform. This allows us to ensure you always receive updates and new features, and that your funnels won't break. You can also export the HTML from any of your pages or contacts at any time...

How do I cancel?

Simply send an email to

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